Welcome to the CanDonate Hair Foundation

Noelle Rziga

This year and instead of just wearing pink ribbons for Cancer Awareness, I have decided to be more active and organize a fundraiser by donating my hair in order to give free wigs to children who lost their hair due to cancer treatments. I’m counting on all of you to support this initiative and donate 10/20/50/100 $ or more. Please be generous!
Montant collecté
130 $
Objectif :
3 000 $
Faire un don

Liste des donateurs

Date de créationPrénomNomCommentaireMontant
31-10-2019Don anonyme*****
01-11-2019Don anonyme50.00 $
02-11-2019KanchanGhoshalAll the best for this noble cause 10.00 $
02-11-2019Rong RongDong*****

4 Nombre de donateurs

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